You MUST let me know if you will be needing materials when you register, at least 2 weeks prior to the workshop.
One 12”x16” gesso primed canvas, hardboard, Gessobord, or good quality canvas board
Minimum brushes: 3 hog bristle brushes- small, med, large (width of bristles—¼”, ½”, 1”) Flat, filbert, or bright
Minimum Paints:
Acrylic tube paints, oil paints or alkyd paints. Acrylics should be heavy body/studio quality tube paints.
2 yellows (1. lemon yellow OR cadmium yellow pale, AND 2. cadmium yellow medium)
2 reds (1. rose madder, permanent rose, alizarin crimson OR quinacridone red AND 2. cadmium red light OR vermillion)
3 blues (ultramarine blue, Prussian blue, AND thalo blue or turquoise
Burnt sienna
Titanium White
1 Black-Ivory, Lamp or Mars
Other suggested colors: Yellow Ochre, Prussian Green, Purple, Burnt Umber, Cadmium Orange, Cobalt Blue
For Oil Painting: odorless mineral spirits OR Turpenoid, Windsor Newton Liquin
For Acrylic painting: Gloss Gel medium
Palette: disposable paper palettes, white, glass, or ceramic palette for oils, plastic OK for acrylic.
Paper towels, Kleenex, clean soft cotton rags, glass jars (2-3 med size), painting knife
Sketchpad or paper, pencil, eraser, ultra fine point black Sharpie.
Wear old clothes or bring a shirt or apron to protect your clothes.
Optional: for Acrylics: aluminum brush washer
For a _______ supply fee, you will receive 3 brushes to keep and enough alkyd, oil, or acrylic paint on a paper palette to use during the workshop, a 12” x 16” canvas board, enough odorless mineral spirits (for oils), either Liquin medium or glossy acrylic medium, paper towels and other necessary equipment for the workshop projects.